Pursuant to section 109 of the Architects
Act 2002 (the Act), the Code of Practice made by the Board was approved
under Public Works Amendment Regulation (number 1) 2005 on 9 June
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Code of Practice (Adobe PDF File)
- A Registered Architect shall endeavour
to promote architectural excellence through his work and by the
encouragement of others.
- A Registered Architect shall carry out
the duties he undertakes under the Client/ Architect Agreement to the
best of his ability and shall have a proper regard for the interests
of all those who may be expected to use or enjoy the result of his
- A Registered Architect shall at all
times, whether in the course of business or not, conduct himself with
the honesty, integrity and propriety to be expected of a member of
an honourable profession. He shall not act in any manner which is
liable to bring the profession of architecture in Qatar into
- A Registered Architect shall act
impartially and professionally at all times. He shall administer
building contracts under his control with fairness and integrity.
- A Registered Architect shall not have
any interest, financial or personal, in connection with any business
which may be inconsistent or in conflict with his professional
obligations, unless such interest or connection is fully declared to
all parties likely to be affected by such interest.
- A Registered Architect shall rely only
on ability, performance and experience as the basis for his business
advancement, and shall not maliciously criticise the work of another
- A Registered Architect shall be
automatically disqualified to serve or act as a partner or
director of any architectural practice proffering services to the
public when he becomes an undischarged bankrupt or has his
application for renewal of registration rejected by the
Architects Registration Board.
Code of Professional Conduct and Practice
The objective of this Code of Professional
Conduct is to promote the standard of professional conduct or self
discipline required of Registered Architect (RA) in Qatar in the
interests of the public.
In meeting their obligations under this
Code, the Emirate Qatari Union of Architects ((QUA )) expects Members to have due regard for the need to conserve
and enhance the quality of the environment, its natural resources and
cultural heritage.
Registered Architects (RA) must at all
times be guided by the spirit of the Code as well as by its precise
terms and must have regard for the provisions of this Code
irrespective of their field of activity, contract of employment or
membership in any association.
RA’s may be required to answer inquiries
concerning their professional conduct and are liable to reprimand,
suspension or expulsion if their conduct is found by the Disciplinary
Committee to be in contravention of the Code or otherwise inconsistent
with their status as Members or derogatory to their professional
Throughout this Code:
- “Board” means the Emirate Qatari Union of Architects (QUA ) established in
accordance with the Architects Registration Act (1987).
- “Registered Architect” (RA) and
Registered Architect’s (RA’s) means a person or persons registered as
architect(s) under the architects Registration Act (1987).
- “Client” means the person or body
corporate or unincorporated with whom the Member makes an agreement or
contract for the provision of services or the supply of goods.
- “Contractor” means a Member who undertakes the performance and /or supply of goods.
- “Body corporate or unincorporated”
includes a central government department, a local authority, public
board or corporation or any society.
One gender shall be read as including the
other gender, a word in the singular as including the plural; and a
word in the plural as including the singular.
Integrity, Impartiality, Competence and Responsibility
- A RA should discharge his duties at all
times with integrity. Including to his client, the employer and
contractor in a construction contract, members of the public, fellow
members of the profession and other professionals in the construction
- A RA owes a duty to his client to be
competent and ready to perform the architectural services which the
member undertakes on his behalf, and should serve his client in a
conscientious, diligent and efficient manner. A member shall arrange
that the work of his office and any branch office insofar as it relates
to architecture is under the control of an architect.
- A RA should be both candid and honest
when advising clients. He has a duty to hold in strict confidence all
information acquired in the course of the professional relationship
concerning the business and affairs of his clients. He has a duty to
hold in strict confidence all information acquired in the course of the
professional relationship concerning the business and affairs of his
client, and he should not divulge any such information unless he is
expressly or impliedly authorized by his client or required by law to do
- A RA is required at all times to protect
the good name and public perception of the architectural profession by
maintaining a high standard of deportment and conduct.
- A RA should not make, support or
acquiesce in any statement, written or otherwise which is contrary to
his own knowledge or bona fide professional opinion, or which he knows
to be misleading or unfair to others or otherwise discreditable to the
- A RA is expected to contribute a
reasonable portion of his time and endeavors towards the affairs of the
Institute, with the objectives of maintaining the integrity of the
profession and improving the performance and quality of architects and
- A RA should not hold, assume or
consciously accept a position in which his interest is in conflict with
professional duty. In circumstances not specifically covered in the
Code where he finds that his interests whether professional or personal
are in conflict, he shall, as the circumstances may require either
withdraw from the situation or remove the source of conflict or declare
it and obtain the agreement of the parties concerned to the continuance
of his engagement.
- A RA shall act impartially in all cases
in which he is acting between parties. Where he has responsibilities
as architect under a building contract, or is similarly acting between
the parties, he shall interpret the conditions of such contract with
fairness and impartiality.
- A RA should assist in preventing the unauthorized practice of architecture.
- A RA shall not improperly influence the granting of planning consents or statutory approvals.
- A RA undertakes, on becoming personally
or professionally insolvent or being disqualified under the Companies
Act, to notify the Chairman of (QUA ) of the facts.
- A RA undertakes to report to the (QUA )
if convicted of any indictable criminal offence including a suspended
sentence or court order and personal or professional disqualification
from acting as a Director.
Engagement, Fees and Payments
- A RA member shall when making an
engagement, whether by an agreement for professional services, by a
contract of employment or by a contract for the supply of services or
goods, have defined beyond reasonable doubt and recorded the terms of
the engagement including the scope of the services, the allocation of
responsibilities and any limitation of liability, the method of
calculation of remuneration and the provision of termination.
- A RA undertakes when offering services
as an independent consultant, not to quote a fee without receiving an
invitation to do so and sufficient information on the nature and scope
of the project to enable a quotation to be prepared which clearly
indicates the service covered by the fee.
- A RA should not stipulate for, charge or
accept any fee which is not fully disclosed in the Client/Architect
Agreement for architectural services.
- A RA shall not sub-commission or sub-let
work without the prior agreement of his client nor without defining
the changes in the responsibilities to those concerned. (What about
contract drafting?).
- A RA should be remunerated solely by
professional fees payable by the client or by a salary payable by the
employer. A member should not accept remuneration from any source in
connection with the works and duties commissioned except in
circumstances described in Clause 3 of this code.
- A RA must not accept any work which
involves the giving or receiving of discounts, commissions or gifts from
contractors or tradesmen, whether employed upon the works or not.
- A RA shall not make, promise to make,
not accept contributions of money, goods, or service for the purpose of
securing a commission or influencing the engagement or employment of a
particular architect or firm for a project.
- A RA may be architectural consultant,
advisor, or assistant to building contractors, decorators,
manufacturers, house and estate agents, estate development firms or
companies, or firms or companies trading in materials used in or whose
activities are otherwise connected with the building industry, provided
that remuneration is by fee, salary or royalty and not by commission on
sales or profits, and provided the member dies not either directly or
indirectly solicit orders for the firm or company.
- A RA who is engaged as an architectural
consultant, advisor or assistant, as described in Clause 2.8, acting in
a professional capacity for a third party to whom his principals owe a
contractual duty, is not permitted normally but, if mutually agreed
between all the parties, may act as an independent architect on the
direct instructions of the said third party and received the payment of
fees directly.
- A RA shall not permit the insertion of
any clause in tenders, Bills of Quantities or other contract documents
which provides for payments to be made to him by the contractor whatever
may be the consideration, unless with the full knowledge and agreement
in writing of his client.
Outside Interests
- A RA who engages in another profession,
business or occupation concurrently with the practice of architecture
must not allow such outside interests to jeopardize his professional
integrity, independence or competence. A member undertakes to declare
in writing to any prospective client or employer any business interest,
the existence of which, if not so declared would, or might be likely to
raise a conflict or interest and doubts about his integrity by reason
of an actual or apparent connection with or effect upon his engagement.
If the prospective client or employer does not in writing accept
these circumstances, the Member must withdraw from the situation.
- A registered architect (RA) may be
director, principal, partner or manager, and may participate in the
profit of a bank, trust, company, insurance company, housing society or
other financial institution engaged in the lending of funds for
construction of buildings, provided there is no undue use of influence
in the institution to procure work for the member or the firm in which
that member is employed and provided that remuneration for any
professional work done personally or under the member’s control is by a
salary or by fee. All potentially conflicting interests must be openly
declared and noted in advances of decisions.
- A RA shall not simultaneously practice
as, or purport to be, an independent consulting architect and engage in
or have as a partner or co-director a person who, whether or not in a
separate firm, is a director, principal partner or manager of a
development or construction company, that is a company which designs,
constructs and/or finances buildings, or of a firm making or dealing in
building materials or components, unless
- a signed declaration, in the form
shown as Appendix (I) to this code is given to each client before
receiving instructions, and to each contractor and nominated
subcontractor before he is invited to tender or take part in the work.
- for any professional work
undertaken for the development company, construction company or other,
remuneration is by a fee, salary or royalty and not by commission on
sales or profits.
- If a RA has any monetary interest other
than due fee, salary or royalty in any building or other development
work, including the circumstances described in 3.2 and 3.3, or has any
other interest which might, or might appear to prejudice judgment or
impartiality in dealings with client or contractor, the member shall in
addition to complying with the requirements of 3.3 (i) arrange for the
appointment of an (QUA ) itrator, and an alternative (QUA ) itrator,
who shall both be Registered Architects.
Agreement between those concerned shall be made in accordance with the form at Appendix (II) to this code.
- A RA shall not and shall not purport to
carry out the independent functions of an architect or any similar
independent functions in relation to a contract in which he or his
employer is the contractor.
- A RA shall ensure that whenever he
offers or takes part in offering a service combining consulting services
with contracting services the consulting component is not presented as
independent of the combined service.
Advertising and Competition
- A RA may make his availability and
experience known by any means provided that the information given is in
substance and in presentation factual, relevant and – neither
misleading nor unfair to others – nor otherwise discreditable to the
- A RA should not
- indulge in self-laudatory, exaggerated, misleading, or false publicity
- endorse a product, service or
process connected with the building industry for recommendation?. May be
required to supply evidence of statements.
- Permit the use of the member’s name or photograph as endorsement of a product or service.
- Solicit, or authorize others to
solicit advertisements or other support toward the cost of any
publication presenting the member’s work except if the publication is a
project of the (QUA ).
- A RA may sign buildings designed by him,
may inscribe his name outside his offices and may exhibit his name on
buildings in the course of construction, alteration and extension
provided that such signs are not ostentatious, exaggerated or
- A RA should not take any part in an open
architectural design competition unless the Executive Council has
approved the competition to ensure that provisions are made for
standards of competence and integrity that are reasonably necessary for
the protection of the professional and the public. Members asked to
take part in a limited design competition should at once notify the
Secretary of the (QUA ), submitting particulars of the competition.
- A RA should not act as architect or
joint architect for a work which is or has been the subject of a design
competition in which the member has been engaged as Assessor. A member
who is consulting architect should not act as competition, nor in any
professional capacity in matter connected with the work which has been
the subject of the competition, provided always that the member may act
as (QUA ) itrator in any dispute between the promoters and the selected
- If a RA is officially approached by
promoters for advice as to the holding of a design competition with a
view to acting as Assessor and the position is accepted and the process
officially begins if eventually it is decided not to hold the
competition but to appoint an architect to carry out the work, the
member originally approached in an advisory capacity should not act as
architect for the work in question without the approval of the (QUA ).
Employment and Relations with other Registered Architects (RA's)
- A RA who holds public office, should in
the discharge of his duties adhere to standards of conduct as high as
those which this code requires of a RA.
- A RA employed as a full-time salaried
and official architect by a central or local government department or by
a statutory undertaking, and who is by reason of the office held is in
a position to grant or influence the granting of any form of statutory
or other approval, must not undertake private work notwithstanding any
permission from the employing authority to do so, unless satisfied
that the position held, and action in the matter will be free from any
suspicion or suggestion of abuse and totally unrelated to the RA’s
office and authority.
- A RA employed as a full-time salaried
architect must not undertake private architecture or related work
without prior agreement with the employer.
- A RA shall not have or take as a partner
or co-director in his firm any person who is disqualified for
registration by reason of the fact that his name has been removed from
the Register under the Architects Registration Act; any person
disqualified for membership of any professional institution by reason of
expulsion under the relevant disciplinary regulations.
- A RA shall have a proper regard for the
professional obligations and qualifications of those from whom he
receives or to whom he gives authority, responsibility or employment, or
with whom he is professionally associated. A member who employs
architects shall define their conditions of employment, authority,
responsibility and liability.
- A RA who is offering services as an
independent consulting architect shall not revise a fee quotation to
take account of the fee quoted by another architect for the same
- A RA shall not attempt to oust another architect from an engagement.
- A RA on being approached to undertake
work upon which he knows, or can ascertain by reasonable inquiry, that
another architect has an engagement with the same client shall notify
the fact to such architect.
- A RA, except a member in Government
service charged by Law or his appointment to do so, should not report on
nor give advice on the work of another member without also giving
notice to that member or the Executive of the (QUA ).
- RA’s may refer disputes with or breaches to this Code by other RA’s of the Executive of the (QUA ).
- A RA undertakes not to maliciously or unfairly criticize or attempt to discredit another RA or his work.
- A RA undertakes appropriately to acknowledge the contribution made to his work by others.
- A RA undertakes subject to any
restriction imposed by law or the courts, to report to the (QUA ) any
alleged breach of code of which he may become aware and assist them in
its investigation.
- A RA undertakes to respect and maintain
confidentiality in any matter involving breaches, either alleged or
proven, of the Code of Professional Conduct by a RA.
Practice in other countries
- When practicing in foreign countries a
RA should abide by the code of ethics/conduct of the relevant
professional institution/body of that Country.
- Registered Qatar Architects agree to
abide by the International Code of Ethics adopted by the Union
Internationale des Architects (UIA) hereunder.
Article 1. (1) In all
professional undertakings, it is essential to consider the system of
values and culture prevailing in each country, and standards must be
determined on a national basis. This is dictated by the consideration
that standards which are valid for the most advanced industrial
countries may be inappropriate or may entail unwarranted social costs
for the developing countries. (2) There shall be no attempt to impose
solutions of one society on other societies.
Article 2. Based on
the principle that the responsibility for the development of every
country rests primarily upon itself, the local consultant or
professional shall have the primary duty to interpret the needs of his
people, and his vision as to how his country’s environment could be
built, planned, improved or enhanced shall be entitled to respect.
Article 3. The
environment that the professionals are committed to fashion shall be
expressive of the genius of the people and reflective of the substance
of their culture.
Article 4. As a
corollary to the foregoing principles, every consultant from a foreign
country, whether the work is a result of a government-to-government
agreement or a requirement of the funding institution or a project from a
private sector, shall associate and work harmoniously with consultants
or professionals of the country where the project is located.
Article 5. To
accelerate the transfer of appropriate technology, consultants from
developing and developed countries shall, through their interaction,
extended to each other the fullest assistance and access to information.
Article 6. Consulting
services shall be performed by individual professionals or consultants
possessing the necessary qualifications, education, experience and
legal registration and license to practice or by firms whose principals
and heads are professionals qualified to perform the required services
and are responsible for the performance of the staff of said firms.