Board Of Achitects

The first meetings of the Board was used to draft the regulations, decide the information to be included into the Register of Architects and Engineers with the length of time to keep open Section 24 of the Act which governs the registration of persons who were practicing as architects before the Act became effective.  The Board also listed a number of requirements of this person such as standard of education, and general character.


QUA Principal Functions

The Board of Architects and Engineers (BOA) is a statutory board, set up under the Architects Act to administer the act. It performs the following principal functions:

  • to keep and maintain a register of architects , a register of practitioners and a register of licenses.

  • to hold or arrange for the professional practice examination to enable persons to qualify for registration.

  • to determine and regulate the professional conduct and ethics of the architectural profession.

  • to hear and determine disputes relating to professional conductor ethics of registered architects or to appoint a committee or arbitrator to hear and determine such disputes.

  • to license corporations or multi-discipline partnerships which intend to supply architectural services in Qatar.