Licenses Guide

One of its main functions is to initiate, define and assist in the implementation of program and co-operation in the development of infrastructural education, practice and research in Qatar. It is mandatory for an international company to register with us before to proceeding with any project in Qatar.


The Register
Fundamental to the Board's operations and service to the public is the maintenance of a Register of all Architects , consultancy  companies registered with the Board.
The Register is updated regularly and the database can be accessed by email on request and if the board approves the release of requested information.

Board Website
The Board maintains a web site with general information, advice about the Board 's complaints process, a code of conducts of practice in Qatar and application forms for registration.


Complaint Procedures
Written advice about Board procedures with complaints is available to both the public and firms. The Board has policies on all aspects of this including a Policy on Complaints Handling and a Policy On Prosecutions And Referrals To Tribunals. This information will be published online for defaulters.


Working with a firm
This features advice to the profession and clients of any firm regarding the expectations and obligations of both parties. The aim is to educate and promote best practice. It can be found under the Requirements/Documents tab on this website.

E-News for Registered Firms
Periodically emails are sent to firms containing advice about Board decisions, the legislation and regulations, examinations and items of general interest.


After payment at any point you wish to discontinue with the project with your client, you can apply for refund of payment. The board will withdraw the certificate and refund you within 48hours.

You must be a registered member to get all this rights and it should be done before your visit or any signing because we need to witness the contract signing as a member and also to guide you .

The rights which include right to attorney fully taken care of by our board, we protect your right to the teeth in case your contract is bridged.
And as registered member we protect your right throughout your stay in Qatar.



National Firms
National firms wishing to register please consult us through write to our head office for us to inform you on your verification officer in charge of your location. National qualifications must be approved via the QUA process. National firms must also satisfactorily complete the Development Professional Practice Examination (DPPE) In the Country is a legal requirement that any person using the title 'architect' and offering services to the public as a professional, must be registered with the QUA ' Board in that jurisdiction.
Within the provisions of the Architects Act 2002 and Architects Regulations 2007,  use of  the title 'architect', 'development design' or 'development design services' for business purposes in Qatar requires registration with the Emirate Qatari Union of Architects (QUA ) and compliance with the provisions of the Act.
The key requirements for registration are:
- Successful completion of a prescribed course of study  or approved equivalent in Qatar or your home country for international Applicants
- At least one or two years of practical experience
- Registration by the Professional Registration Board in Qatar ( or your Home country for foreign firms.)
Send the below through email

  1. Professional Certificate of Approval Practice

  2. Company profile

  3. Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  4. Your certificate number.

  5. Educational Certificate

  6. Qatar  identification Number

International firms and partnerships must also be approved separate from individual registration.
All national firms MUST have written the Development Professional Practice Examination (DPPE) to enable the firm practice professional in Qatar.



International Firms
International firms wishing to register please consult write to our head office for us to inform you on your verification officer in charge of your location. International qualifications must be approved via the QUA process of review where there is no reciprocity between Qatar and other countries. International firms must also satisfactorily complete the Development Professional Practice Verification Exercise (DPPVE).

Within the provisions of the Architects Act 2002 and Architects Regulations 2007,  use of  the title 'architect' ct' “Surveyor” Engineer “Builder” or the 'development services', 'development design' or 'development design services' for business purposes in Qatar requires registration with the Emirate Qatari Union of Architects (QUA ) and compliance with the provisions of the Act.
The key requirements for registration are:
- Successful completion of a prescribed course of study  or approved equivalent in Qatar or your home country for international Applicants
- At least one or two years of practical experience

Send the below through email

  1. Scanned copy of your professional certificate of qualification in language of origin (To be translated by the international verification officer)

  2. Company profile

  3. Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  4. Payment slip of fee(s) made for the category you are applying for.

  5. Registration form (kindly fill the forms in BOLD letter for clarity.

  6. International passport or any form of identification

International firms and partnerships must also be approved separate from individual registration.
All international firms MUST obtain this certificates independently prior to any form of visit or project in Qatar.

Direct Contact
Numerous emails and direct inquiries from the public and the profession are handled by office staff as part of the office operation. Advice is given on the full range of Board functions, including complaints, requirements for registration and the registration status of any firm.Make your country or city you "subject" while emailing us, to enable us direct you to your verifcation officer.