
Members of the Emirate Qatari Union of Architects are required to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and integrity. Members are expected to exercise a reasonable care and competence in the application of the knowledge and skill normally expected of an architect of good standing. The Object of this Code is to uphold the standard of professional conduct of members of the Emirate Qatari Union of Architects in the execution of their professional duties in the interest of the public.. The objective of this regulations is to promote the standard of professional conduct or self discipline required of Registered Architect , surveyors , builders construction companies and Engineers in Qatar in the interests of the public. In meeting their obligations under this Code, the Emirate Qatari Union of Architects expects members to have due regard for the need to conserve and enhance the quality of the environment, its natural resources and cultural heritage. Registered Member must at all times be guided by the spirit of the regulations as well as by its precise terms and must have regard for the provisions of this rules irrespective of their field of activity, contract of employment or membership in any association. Registered menber’s may be required to answer inquiries concerning their professional conduct and are liable to reprimand, suspension or expulsion if their conduct is found by the Disciplinary Committee to be in contravention of the Code or otherwise inconsistent with their status as members or derogatory to their professional character.


Integrity, Impartiality, Competence and Responsibility

  1. Registered member should discharge his duties at all times with integrity. Including to his client, the employer and contractor in a construction contract, members of the public, fellow members of the profession and other professionals in the construction industry.
  2. Registered member  owes a duty to his client to be competent and ready to perform the architectural services which the member undertakes on his behalf, and should serve his client in a conscientious, diligent and efficient manner. A member shall arrange that the work of his office and any branch office insofar as it relates to developments is under the control of a professional.
  3. Registered member  should be both candid and honest when advising clients. He has a duty to hold in strict confidence all information acquired in the course of the professional relationship concerning the business and affairs of his clients. He has a duty to hold in strict confidence all information acquired in the course of the professional relationship concerning the business and affairs of his client, and he should not divulge any such information unless he is expressly or impliedly authorized by his client or required by law to do so.
  4. Registered member  is required at all times to protect the good name and public perception of the architectural and Engineering profession by maintaining a high standard of deportment and conduct.
  5. Registered member  should not make, support or acquiesce in any statement, written or otherwise which is contrary to his own knowledge or bona fide professional opinion, or which he knows to be misleading or unfair to others or otherwise discreditable to the profession.
  6. Registered member  is expected to contribute a reasonable portion of his time and endeavors towards the affairs of the Institute, with the objectives of maintaining the integrity of the profession and improving the performance and quality of architects and architecture.
  7. Registered member  should not hold, assume or consciously accept a position in which his interest is in conflict with professional duty. In circumstances not specifically covered in the Code where he finds that his interests whether professional or personal are in conflict, he shall, as the circumstances may require either withdraw from the situation or remove the source of conflict or declare it and obtain the agreement of the parties concerned to the continuance of his engagement.
  8. Registered member  shall act impartially in all cases in which he is acting between parties. Where he has responsibilities as architect and Engineers under a building contract, or is similarly acting between the parties, he shall interpret the conditions of such contract with fairness and impartiality.
  9. Registered member  should assist in preventing the unauthorized practice of architecture.
  10. Registered member  shall not improperly influence the granting of planning consents or statutory approvals.
  11. Registered member  undertakes, on becoming personally or professionally insolvent or being disqualified under the Companies Act, to notify the Chairman of Emirate Qatari Union of Architects of the facts.
  12. Registered member  undertakes to report to the Emirate Qatari Union of Architects if convicted of any indictable criminal offence including a suspended sentence or court order and personal or professional disqualification from acting as a Director.


Engagement, Fees and Payments

  1. A Registered member  member shall when making an engagement, whether by an agreement for professional services, by a contract of employment or by a contract for the supply of services or goods, have defined beyond reasonable doubt and recorded the terms of the engagement including the scope of the services, the allocation of responsibilities and any limitation of liability, the method of calculation of remuneration and the provision of termination.
  2. A Registered member  undertakes when offering services as an independent consultant, not to quote a fee without receiving an invitation to do so and sufficient information on the nature and scope of the project to enable a quotation to be prepared which clearly indicates the service covered by the fee.
  3. A Registered member  should not stipulate for, charge or accept any fee which is not fully disclosed in the Client/Architect Agreement for architectural services.
  4. A Registered member  shall not sub-commission or sub-let work without the prior agreement of his client nor without defining the changes in the responsibilities to those concerned. (What about contract drafting?).
  5. A Registered member  should be remunerated solely by professional fees payable by the client or by a salary payable by the employer. A member should not accept remuneration from any source in connection with the works and duties commissioned except in circumstances described in Clause 3 of this code.
  6. A Registered member  must not accept any work which involves the giving or receiving of discounts, commissions or gifts from contractors or tradesmen, whether employed upon the works or not.
  7. A Registered member  shall not make, promise to make, not accept contributions of money, goods, or service for the purpose of securing a commission or influencing the engagement or employment of a particular architect or firm for a project.
  8. A Registered member  may be architectural consultant, advisor, or assistant to building contractors, decorators, manufacturers, house and estate agents, estate development firms or companies, or firms or companies trading in materials used in or whose activities are otherwise connected with the building industry, provided that remuneration is by fee, salary or royalty and not by commission on sales or profits, and provided the member dies not either directly or indirectly solicit orders for the firm or company.
  9. A Registered member  who is engaged as an architectural consultant, advisor or assistant, as described in Clause 2.8, acting in a professional capacity for a third party to whom his principals owe a contractual duty, is not permitted normally but, if mutually agreed between all the parties, may act as an independent architect on the direct instructions of the said third party and received the payment of fees directly.
  10. A Registered member  shall not permit the insertion of any clause in tenders, Bills of Quantities or other contract documents which provides for payments to be made to him by the contractor whatever may be the consideration, unless with the full knowledge and agreement in writing of his client.




A Member shall

  • act honourably towards other members.
  • not supplant or attempt to supplant other architects including architects within his own firm.
  • not compete with another member by reduction of his fees or by offering other inducement.
  • not accept a commission or render services in place of another member unless


    • he establishes in writing with the previous firms that such members' services had been terminated and all fees paid to such member by the client, or
    • security by way of bankers' guarantee for such outstanding fees payable to such member had been furnished by the client.



  • A Member shall discharge his responsibilities faithfully to his client. To uphold this principle a Member undertakes at all times to apply the conditions of a contract with entire fairness between his client and any contractor and in an impartial manner to invite tenders or otherwise provide fair and competitive procurement procedures unless otherwise directed by his client.
  • Not to unreasonably withhold from his client all relevant information prepared on behalf of the            client on payment of such charges as may be reasonable or as agreed with the client.
  •  A Member shall not sign any drawings, plans or specifications which had not been prepared by him or under his supervision unless he had scrutinized or checked such drawings, plans or specifications





A Member may subject to this paragraph publicise his practice or allow his employees or agents to do so provided such

  1. member shall not publicise his practice in a manner that will derogate from the dignity, standing and reputation of the profession.
  1. member shall not publicise his practice in a manner that is


    1. likely to diminish public confidence in the profession or bring the profession into disrepute
    1. Calculated to deceive, mislead or furnish information which if false would be unbefitting of the dignity of the profession, or


    1. Undesirable in the interest of the profession as the Institute may from time to time determine.and for the purpose of the above publicity shall be regarded as deceptive, misleading, inaccurate or false if it
    2. omits material facts, or
    1. contains unverified information, or


    1. contains representations that cannot be reasonably achieved by a Member
  1. Member shall ensure that


    • all claims to expertise or specialisation can be justified as set out in 7.0 Expertise and Specialisation below
    • no comparisons of the fees or architectural services rendered by other Members


    • no references are made to any building project other than those where he had rendered architectural services provided this does not involve a breach of confidentially he owes to his client or former client
    • he gives due credit to the work of other Member(s) or Architectural Consultants who are involved in the project undertaken by him.


  1. Member may in the interest of the promotion of its  profession:
    • participate in any forum, seminar or conference and be interviewed by the press or media


    • contribute articles for inclusion in any publication or journal on matters of architectural and Engineering interest
    • receive remuneration or honorarium for papers delivered at any such forum, seminar or conference


    • receive remuneration for contribution to the publication of any book or literature
    • attend and participate in any function or ceremony held in connection with any building project.


  1. A Member shall not release or furnish any information in relation to the supply of architectural services at any forum, seminar or conference or in any publication that are not truthful and accurate.
  1. A Member may publish or consent to the publication of


    • any illustration or description of his work signed by him to be published in the press or media
    • a series of illustrations in the form of any media with or without descriptive letterpress of his work except that he shall directly or indirectly solicit any advertisement on any of the publications.


  1. A member may sign on buildings provided this is not done in a manner that is ostentatious.
  1. A Member may exhibit his name outside his office or on a building (which is being constructed, altered or extended) provided it is not displayed in a manner that is ostentatious.



  • A member shall not while carrying on the practice of architecture and Engineers engage in any trade or business which
  1. Would be inconsistent with the proper discharge of his professional duties.


  1. Would raise doubts as to his honesty or professional integrity.
  1. Would raise doubts as to his ability to render his services according to law.
    except as hereinafter set out.
  • A member shall not
  1. have any interest in any business as a builder, manufacturer or dealer in materials or components to be used in any project or architectural services to that project or


  1. hold any position where his interest would be in conflict with his professional duty to his client
    except in the cases set out below:


  1. the client after being appraised in writing of any conflict set out in (a) and (b) under this sub-clause agrees in writing to employ the member for his services notwithstanding such conflict
  1. the Member is engaged in a design and build partnership, contract or joint venture with
    1. a contractor / sub-contractor
    2. a builder
    3. a housing developer
    4. a licensed corporation
    5. a consortium of one or more of the above
  • For the purposes of sub-clause 2 above the words "design and build" shall mean a contract where the firm  is engaged/employed directly by the contractor or builder.